Quantum Energy Healing
Quantum Energy Healing
Emotional wounds are often complex hidden issues and may have origins in other lifetimes and dimensions. In a Quantum healing session, Energy Adjustments are made through the application of energy medicine protocols that help clear the causes of these wounds and restore balance to the energetic fields in a person’s system.
Energy body imbalances, or Interference Patterns disrupt our biofields, at the mental, emotional, intuitive, spiritual, and soul levels. This may result in physical discomfort as it manifests in the physical body as well as emotional and mental disturbances.
By connecting to our angels and spirit guides, as well as our own intuition and Higher Self, we can identify and treat these patterns, allowing a client to become empowered and restored to their highest good, living a life of joy, happiness, prosperity, and health. When we are peaceful within ourselves, we foster peace in the world.
Common areas of focus in energy healing include…
- Ancestral Trauma
- Anxiety
- Blocks: Business -Finances, Creative & Writers Block
- Boundary Imbalances – Self Sacrifice, People Pleasing Pattern (inability to put your needs first )
- Chronic Fears & Phobias
- Creative Blocks: Writiers, Business
- Detrimental Energy Interference
- Energetic Cords
- Energy Reversals described as “Bad Luck”
- Grief – Feeling stuck, inability to move forward
- Frozen Emotions – Feeling numb
- Negative Life Beliefs
- Past Life Trauma
- Physical Pain & Disease Patterns
- Relationship issues
- Self Doubt – Sabotage Patterns
- Struggle with Self expression – Public Speaking & fear of being criticised
- Soul Loss & Fragmentation
- Wounded Inner Child
Find out how to get balanced and centered, and how to clear Interference Patterns in your biofields.
Let’s Talk
Discovery Call
30-minute Complimentary Consultation
We will explore the possibility of work together
Talk about your goals and answer any questions you have.
I look forward to speaking with you soon.
Ready to Book your Appointment
Before your appointment with Karma, please take a time to fill out the
Client Intake Form.
We will review it at together at the start of your session.
While I truly believe that the services I provide can be profoundly healing, and while I have seen deep, meaningful results in my own life and those of my clients, nothing I share on my website, on social media, or in my sessions is intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. I am not a doctor and I do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe. My services exist within the realm of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), meaning they are intended as a complement to, not a replacement of, allopathic (conventional Western) medical care. I encourage my clients to seek professional medical and psychological treatment for health issues and will refer out to qualified professionals as needed.
I work with the person who is ready to heal, not with the issue itself.
I believe the more we pay attention to something, the more we feed it with our energy. We need to learn how to feed vibrant health and not an illness or a diagnosis. However having said that, I have helped many people successfully manage or heal the issues listed above. I can help you too if you’re willing to do the work.
“Karma, I just want to thank you for that deep and incredible Healing session that we had. I can’t believe how powerful it was, your work is gentle and loving and I am very grateful. Lots of love to you.”
– Diane B