Work With Karma
Frequently Asked
One on One Healing with Karma
We will start by discovering and releasing whatever interfering energy patterns are holding you back.
I don’t believe that you need to re-live any traumatic situation in order to heal it.
I will help you let go of what is out of alignment that keeps you from experiencing peace and joy.
We go at your pace and take all of the aspects of your soul’s journey into consideration.
As we progress, each session will be unique and we will address the most deeply rooted issues that you are currently dealing with.
This ‘Soul Therapy” that allows you to advance at an accelerated rate.
As we work together, be prepared to take a quantum leap forward on your healing journey.
How I work in a One to One Energy Healing Session
We meet in my ZOOM room online, so you can work with me from the comfort of your own home. Have a notebook and pen at the ready, and show me everything. Let me see all the parts of you that are aching, tell me your hopes and dreams, and let’s see together what is in the way and how to clear it. Weaving Shamanism with psychotherapy and a bit of magic too, I connect with you and open up a space for profound healing. You can feel your wounds transform, let lightness and joy in, feel the pieces of your soul coming back home to you if you’re ready to. You will have to do some work after the session to maintain and stay in balance. The more you show me, the more we can release, so if you let me, I can open the pathway for you to feel whole again.
You don’t need to worry about the “how”, that is my job. All you need to do is choose what it is you want to heal, give yourself permission to let go of pain and to step into a new way of being. And if letting go and opening up is your block, then tell me and we can work on that too. Together, when we combine your intention your permission and my capacity for healing, something magical always happens.
I prefer to ask you to simply check in with your own inner guidance system, ask yourself if you’re ready to heal, and if you want me to help you do it.
“I love my sessions with Karma – She always holds the highest intentions for me
and digs right in like a metaphysical surgeon”
– Renee Green
Let’s Talk
Discovery Call
30-minute Complimentary Consultation
We will explore the possibility of work together
Talk about your goals and answer any questions you have.
I look forward to speaking with you soon.
Ready to Book your Appointment
Before your appointment with Karma, please take a time to fill out the
Client Intake Form.
We will review it at together at the start of your session.

- Anxiety
- Depression
- Fears & Phobias
- Limited Life Beliefs
- Mental Exhaustion
- Procrastination
- OCD Issues
- Resistance to Healthy habits
- Self Esteem issues

- Abuse – Narcissistic
- Boundary Balance
- Break-ups
- CoDependency
- Karmic Relationships
- Grief – Letting go
- Transitions
- Trust Issues
- Toxic patterns

Spiritual Issues
- Ancestral Trauma
- Chakra Blocks
- Energy Imbalance
- Karma Imprints
- Detrimental Cords
- Energy Leakage
- Past Life Trauma
- Realign with SOUL
- Soul Retrieval
- Spiritual Awakening

- Abundance & Flow
- Angels & Ascended Masters Report
- Clarity of Life Direction
- Career Changes
- Develop Intuition
- Life Purpose
- Soul Origin Report
- Spiritual Guidance
- Write your book
While I truly believe that the services I provide can be profoundly healing, and while I have seen deep, meaningful results in my own life and those of my clients, nothing I share on my website, on social media, or in my sessions is intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. I am not a doctor and I do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe. My services exist within the realm of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), meaning they are intended as a complement to, not a replacement of, allopathic (conventional Western) medical care. I encourage my clients to seek professional medical and psychological treatment for health issues and will refer out to qualified professionals as needed.
I work with the person who is ready to heal, not with the issue itself.
I believe the more we pay attention to something, the more we feed it with our energy. We need to learn how to feed vibrant health and not an illness or a diagnosis. However having said that, I have helped many people successfully manage or heal the issues listed above. I can help you too if you’re willing to do the work.
“Karma, I just want to thank you for that deep and incredible Healing session that we had. I can’t believe how powerful it was, your work is gentle and loving and I am very grateful. Lots of love to you.”
– Diane B