A Starseed Soul’s Journey

Written by Karmaawake

January 27, 2020

Karmic Insights

– Are you sure you want to embody on earth?
– Totally. The decision is taken.

– Are you aware of the challenges you face?

– Never before have I incarnated on that planet, so I don’t know what the concepts of “fear”, “pain”, “loneliness” or “sadness” really mean “maybe the one that worries me most is that of “death”… I can’t understand the idea of cease to exist forever: that’s impossible, but humans think it’s like this.

Whatever it is, my soul wishes to “go down” and experience all that, contribute my Light and contribute with my being to change of consciousness.

– when you’re down there, limited by the physical body and wondering what you do in that place, “you’ll understand”… from this state of conscience you can’t even sense what it involves experiencing density and limitation.

– I choose to assume the challenge…

– So, if that’s your will, I just have to wish you a happy journey through the three-dimensional world and remind you that we will be with you, from this dimension, watching If you get to open your heart enough, task that is not at all simple, you will be able to “listen to us” and to perceive our signs. But there will be many distractions that could prevent you from hearing us & feeling your own connection to us.

– And what’s the best way to open your heart?

– Listen to him. Listen to your Inner voice.

Let yourself go and let go of the resistance that things on earth are not as you wish…

Accept you, ultimately, as you are. Only that way you can accept the others and honor their learning. Peace and Love that will arise in you as a result of that Acceptance will automatically put you in “contact” with us.

– okay, I’ll keep it in mind.

– No, my friend… You WillForget. It’s the rules.

You will have to do it remembering as your physical body, already contaminated with judgments, attachments and negative beliefs, grow and become adult. The Light of your soul must emerge between the darkness of fear, mistrust and misunderstanding. Trust, our beloved: we are sure you will be able to get it.

– What is that?

– It’s the belly of your earth mother.

And that little embryo with limbs that you can see inside is the physical body you will embody.

Good trip, stellar soul! ??

Source: Internet.

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